Saturday, January 24, 2015

What are the Chances?

In a world filled with technology and constant movement, it’s easy to miss the small miracles that happen every day.  How often do you see people walking around with their phone attached to their hand  their eyes glued to that tiny screen?  With an overwhelming inundation of technology it’s no wonder we often miss what’s right in front of us.  Whether you want to admit it or not, life is a series of interlinked miracles – both big and small – that we take for granted because we aren't paying attention.

God is included in that.  It’s amazing how He works if you take the time to still you mind and watch for the signs.  There is always inherent beauty in His work and once you learn to find it, you’ll wonder how you never noticed it before. 

For me, 2014 was a year of personal growth – filled with many transitions, uncertainties and new beginnings.  And while January has been mainly positive so far, there are still some things left to figure out in this coming year.  On top of all that, I have a habit of overthinking things… not a good habit, but one that’s on my ‘To Fix’ list. 

The other day I was driving home from the grocery store with a lot of my mind.  So needless to say while I was driving I couldn't stop myself from stewing over a particular area of my life that I still have to work through.  It’s something that’s very important to me and I've been struggling with it for a very long time now.  

As I often do, I had a very rapid monologue going to God as I was driving.  Sometimes I feel bad for how much I tend to dump on Him at once.  But when life gets a bit overwhelming for me, He never falters.  He takes everything I throw at Him in stride – and I always, always, ALWAYS feel a thousand times better after these sessions.

However that day, even I got tired of my incessant chattering so I stopped my inner dialogue and just let my mind still as I drove home on autopilot.  So what happened next? 

A different song came on the radio – and not just any song.  This was the very same song that God used to speak to me a few months ago when my hope in this particular circumstance was on the verge of dying.  At that point in time I was ready to give up.  I felt it was too difficult; that I didn’t have the strength necessary to persevere anymore.  I wanted to walk away and find a different path; to give up and admit defeat.  For the first time in my life I wanted to quit despite the fact it is something I am wholeheartedly invested in.

Given the situation, the lyrics in this song are powerful and FOUR  times previously this was the very next song I heard after saying something along the lines of, “God, I don’t know that I can do this; I don’t think I have the strength to continue down this particular path anymore.”  

Even more astounding?  It was ALWAYS the second line of the chorus that I heard next – that fact alone got my attention, as though God had just slapped some sense into me saying, “Listen here you silly girl – stay the course!  You got this!”

The first time I heard the song it was like tunnel vision for my ears.  I had just started my car, still mulling over the things I had been asking God about.  I had never even heard the song before, but it was the ONLY thing I could hear despite my son trying to get my attention from the back seat.  

The second time I heard the song, I immediately realized God was using it to communicate to me.  I mean, really?  How coincidental could it be that the EXACT same line started playing two times in a row?  But still my hope didn’t last long and I couldn’t stop the despair that came flooding back after a week.  

So the third time I doubted, the song produced immediate tears on my end.  How could I have been so stupid as to doubt the guidance God was clearly giving me?  Despite the tears, I inherently understood that this is the path God set before me and even though this wasn’t going to be easy, God would be with me the entire way.  I’d be ok; He’d lend me His strength when mine faltered.  

Still, after some time and no change in the circumstances, I began to question whether I had formed the right conclusions.  Again, the next thing I heard was the second line of the chorus to this songEven in His silence He still has my back.

The song is not actually about strength per se – it’s about love.  But one must remember, love IS strength – if you have the courage to let yourself be vulnerable enough to both give and receive love.  God was reminding me that love is ALWAYS the answer.  Turning to negative emotions would only yield negative results.  If I wanted the best outcome possible, I have to keep my thoughts light and positive, and my heart filled with love.   I have to do good, be good, and most importantly, believe that good things will happen despite the fact that I can’t for the life of me see HOW my desired result will come to pass. 

I’m always amazed at how patient God is with me despite how stubborn and thick headed I often am.  Through the months I’ve also come to realize that this struggle is a test of my patience as well.  We all know I can be the proverbial 'hot-headed Italian' with a ‘my way or the high way’ attitude at times.  I’ve mellowed quite a bit since my youth, but I am still a work in progress and in a roundabout way, this situation is helping me to grow in that area as well.

So was it a coincidence that that particular song happened to play at that exact moment as I was driving home?  Maybe to some it is, but not to me.  I’ve experienced this kind of thing so many times over the years that I don’t believe anything happens by mere chance.  

While I wasn't doubting my path anymore, I was questioning how to get from where I am now to the end result I want.  Essentially, I’m at Point A and want to get to Point C… but where the heck do I find Point B?!

God didn’t give me an answer, but as I listened to the lyrics I felt a renewed sense of hope, as though nothing was going to stop me from achieving success.  It didn’t matter that I don’t have all the details – I’ll get there when the time is right.  That’s the impression I got in that moment.

I continued driving, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and as I neared my home, I suddenly had the urge to take a longer route despite having a trunk full of approximately 90% refrigerated groceries.  I didn’t question it; I just went with the flow.  I learned years ago never to question that little voice in my head – question your ego certainly, but NEVER question your intuitionYour intuition is your direct link to God.  He was gracious enough to give it to us and when you learn to use yours, you’ll discover it’s never wrong.

So I took the scenic route and when I got to the next turn, a bus came up the hill from the opposite direction.  I couldn’t stop that feeling of irritation as I watched it come closer, knowing I was going to be stuck behind it.  There are a lot of kids that live between where I was turning and where my home is.  I was less than a mile from home yet I was guaranteed to have to sit behind at least two, maybe three, stops as tons of children got off.

My irritation however was stopped in its tracks as the bus turned and I saw the number on its side.  I couldn’t breathe and suddenly the first bus stop couldn’t come soon enough.  Rather than songs, lately I’ve been seeing series of specific numbers over and over, and the bus number was one of them but I couldn’t remember what it meant off the top of my head.  So as I sat waiting for the kids to get off at the first stop I wrenched my phone out of the cup holder and searched for the meaning of that number.

Guess what?  That number was God’s way of telling me to “keep a positive and optimistic attitude as my thoughts and prayers are being manifested into my life”.  Now imagine if I hadn’t listened to that little voice in my head and gone straight home.  Sure, I’d have heard that song… but do you know how much easier it is to continuously keep your hope up, to keep a positive mindset, when you see an extra sign like that?

I gotta admit – I’m feeling pretty damn good right about now.  Are the things I was praying about going to happen overnight?  No, they’ll happen in GOD’S time, whenever that may be.  But how can you NOT keep the faith when you clearly know God’s got your back?

Still think it’s just dumb luck; a mere coincidence?  Then how about this?  I’ve been listening to Pandora and as I’m nearing the end of writing this, “Wake Me Up” by Aloe Blacc began playing.  Here’s a snippet of the lyrics:

“I’ve been around the world
And I can’t stop hearing this song
I’ve been around the world
And I can’t stop hearing this song
And I love it

Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

Life’s not waiting for a storm
It’s about dancing in the rain
And if it rains lemons
Learn how to make lemonade
Moral of a story
No problems, just solutions

I don’t know about you, but I am a believer in God and the miracles He produces on a daily basis.  I may not know how my story will end, but I’ll keep my faith the entire time because I know I’ll never walk alone.


I finished what I wrote above and left for my accounting job knowing that I’d proof read this one more time before I posted.  Here’s yet another example: 

I got into my car – my mileage read 10,519.  Coincidentally my birthday happens to be 5/19.  At work I ran some numbers, and one of the totals came out to 1,911. When I came home, the car in the clock read 5:19.

For some reason this got me further thinking… On Wednesday I woke up feeling pretty down.  Why?  I have no clue; I had no reason to feel that way.  All I knew was that at that moment I felt like there was no hope.  And I said, “God, what’s going on?  Am I about to totally screw things up or what?”  For some reason I kept feeling like I really messed something up and was depressed about it.

So I got my coffee and checked my email.  I got a confirmation about a transaction I made to one of my retirement accounts went through.  Being an accountant, my first thought was to check to make sure everything looked right.  So I pulled up my account and as I’m scanning through, one of the accounts jumped out at me.  The first thing my eyes latched on to was part of the balance – 222.  Then I read the account name – “Balanced” was part of the fund name.

Yup, thank you God – this was not the first time I've seen that number recently.  The gist of it means that when this number repeats you’re supposed to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in life, knowing that everything will turn out for the best in the long term.

Instant mood lift!   And for the record, ALL day I saw a series of 1’s and 2’s – still do, but not nearly as frequently as I did that day. 

I just gave you all some food for thought, didn't I?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

“Are You Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology?”

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

“That's so expensive! How can you afford to drink that?! And by the way – you know what that shake looks like, right!?”

I can't tell you how many times I've heard those phrases over the years. I won't lie, it used to bother me in the beginning. I mean, I had really horrible eating habits so the only thought that would keep running through my mind was, "would it kill you to simply be happy for the positive changes I was trying to make?"
Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating

Thankfully, those days are long gone. Now I just smile and gulp it down and every time those negative comments are said to me, in my head I’m usually wondering something along the lines of: “How can you diss it when you've never had it? Just take a sip. It’s SO good! You don’t know what you're missing – honest! Just try it!”

For those of you who don’t know me that well, the Vegan Chocolate Shakeology is my go-to flavor and I typically add other things in it. Some of my favorite additions include spinach leaves and an apple. More recently it's been a small banana, unsweetened almond milk, PB2, cinnamon, and a partial scoop of the Digestive Health Boost. It’s the easiest way to get an extra serving of fruit and veggies into my diet on a daily basis. So in all honesty, by the time I've blended everything in my trusty Ninja, my concoction DOES look like crap - sorta - but in actuality, it tastes AMAZING! Just like a chocolate milkshake, except this particular shake is healthy for me.

Do you have to add other things into the shake like I do?  Absolutely not!  A little liquid (water or a milk of your preference), some ice if you want it extra cold, and a scoop of Shakeology are perfectly acceptable! I just happen to like a variety for my breakfast. If you’re not sure what combinations go well together, you can always ask me what I typically do or check out the Shakeology website for a large selection of recipes.

Seriously though, if I invested a penny every time I heard one of those negative comments, I’d be a freaking millionaire by now. Yet at a price tag of $129 for a month supply, I can certainly understand why people react this way. After all, I was hesitant to buy it at first too – and the price alone was a very large part of why I waited a couple months after starting Insanity to purchase my first bag. It’s a lot of money to waste on a product you’re not sure you’re going to like in the first place. Thankfully, Beachbody offers a bottom of the bag guarantee which was a contributing factor as to why I took a chance in the first place. And yes, you read that right. Bottom of the bag guarantee. So really, there's absolutely no risk to you trying it. 

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating
The price of Shakeology breaks down to roughly $4.30 for an ENTIRE meal that contains over 70 ultra-high quality ingredients. When you think about it, that's actually pretty darn cheap! You simply can’t beat the quality OR price.

Still not so sure? No worries, let's think about it in another way. How many of us go out and buy a cup of coffee on the commute to work? Think about how much an average cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks run. Or do you pick up fast food for breakfast? The price of either isn't so cheap either and the quality of food you’re actually getting is even worse. Don't lie, you know exactly what I mean. You don’t feel so great after eating it, do you? I'm willing to bet you've gotten a stomach ache or had to run to the bathroom shortly after consuming certain fast foods, right? 

Wanna know why these things happen?  

Because we are living in a society in which we are overfed yet undernourished. To be completely honest, the more we eat bad food, the more we crave it, which in turn leads to sickness and disease.

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating
Re-read that and let it sink in for a bit...

The other question I get a lot is how can a silly little shake actually keep me feeling full?  Aren’t you STARVING after an hour or so?

The answer is in how Shakeology is designed. It's more than just a meal replacement shake; it's the smartest, healthiest thing you can put into your body. It's derived from whole foods containing proteins, healthy fats, superfoods and much more that not only keep you feeling full longer, but actually work to reduce your cravings for junk food while improving your digestion. So because you’re feeding your body the nutrients it needs, you actually end up feeling more satisfied and fuller for a longer period of time.

For you price skeptics out there, do you know what else that means? When you feel fuller for longer periods of time, you are inevitably going to snack less. So if you're snacking less, do you really need to be buying all those junk foods at the grocery store that you're not going to be hungry enough to eat? That answer would be NO, at least not on an everyday or every week basis. So this is just one example of how you really start to save when incorporating Shakeology into your daily life.
Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating
A second way you're saving with Shakeology deals with getting sick. As I'm going through and updating this article, I've been drinking Shakeology consistently for over three years now. In that time, I have not gotten the flu (and no - I don't get the flu shot either). In fact, the only time I've gone to the doctor was for my third pregnancy. NO sick visits. Sure, I've gotten a little rundown from time to time (mainly from lack of sleep thanks to my youngest), and a minor head cold last winter that a little extra Vitamin C and chicken soup took care off. But other than my pregnancy I have not had to go to the doctor. That means I've just drastically reduced what I used to pay for over-the-counter prescriptions and medications, doctor visit co-pays, and no sick days taken from work. I don't know about you, but I believe that's a cost-benefit ratio that is stacked in my favor!

Another item really worth mentioning is the increase in energy you get from adding Shakeology into your daily diet. This is something I was truly skeptical about, especially since PCOS causes my energy levels to fluctuate drastically depending on how well I’m eating and exercising. I kept thinking it’s not REALLY going to make a difference. But to my surprise it DID! Barely a week into consistently drinking Shakeology for breakfast and I already felt a noticeable difference – I was shocked. 

Think about all the things you want to do during a typical day but keep putting off because you don’t have the energy to do by the end of the day… what would you do first? For me this was really important because as a stay-at-home mother of two young toddlers who don’t ever sit still (as is the case with any child really) the house would basically be trashed by bedtime. But now I was finding that even after taking care of them all day long, I had energy at night to clean up things I would have otherwise said, “Eh… it can wait until tomorrow” (because we all know how well THAT turns out).

So it’s no wonder Beachbody touts Shakeology as “the healthiest meal of the day!” I was completely sold on this stuff for the increase in energy alone. However, the kicker? Once I started drinking Shakeology that is when my weight finally started coming off AND, more importantly, STAYING off! My weight stopped yo-yoing. No longer was I craving those late night snacks or junk food in particular. I even found it easier to say “no” to whatever unhealthy snacks I was offered. Sure, I still have my moments –hey, I'm only human after all - but they are not nearly as frequent nor as bad as they previously were. 

Howver, before I continue - let me clarify something real quickly. Shakeology is a meal replacement shake, NOT a diet shake or any kind of fad like that. Now you're probably thinking something along the lines of: "But she just said she lost weight while drinking it!?" Which I totally did! BUT I had already been exercising consistently and trying to eat healthier (which was more often than not derailed by nighttime snacking). Once I replaced my breakfast with a glass of Shakeology, my weight started to come off because I was filling up on the nutrients my body actually needed. Therefore, by the end of the night, I wasn't feeling cravings for the things I thought my body needed because I'd already gotten those nutrients earlier in the day. So by consuming less food late at night, combined with the addition of nutrients I actually needed, the weight finally budged. But please understand, this is not some get-thin-quick gimmick. This is the real deal, a healthy shake that's meant to be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, not a fad diet plan.

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating while we're discussing snacking, if you got that sweet tooth like me I’ve got some great news! Here’s yet another thing I love about Shakeology – you can use it to make HEALTHY desserts such as cookies, puddings, pies and more.

The kids and I made the no-bake cookies the other week and they were a big hit. I let my munchkins help make them (which they loved since they felt like “big kids”) so… let’s just say the final product didn't look nearly as pretty as the picture shown on the recipe card. ;) But who cares about that, right?!  We spent time together as a family making a healthy snack AND they had a blast. It was a total win-win situation!

Want to give Shakeology a try too? You can order it here. Full disclosure: by ordering through my link I'll earn a small commission off your purchase (this doesn't change the price for you!) and I'll become your Coach (that is, if you're not already working with a Coach). Keep in mind, ALL of my coaching services are free of charge - I simply earn through any purchases you choose to make through my links.

Still undecided? Beachbody sells samples that you can try before investing in a full month’s supply. There are two options to choose from: 

* The regular sampler pack (includes chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cafe latte, and greenberry flavors) that you can get here, or 
* The vegan sampler pack (includes chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and cafe latte flavors) that you can get here.

Have more questions or want to discuss how a Coach can help you on your health and fitness journey? Feel free to send me a message – I’ll be glad to help in any way I can!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

“I don’t have time.”

“I’m so busy with the kids’ activities.”

“I’m too tired.”

“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

How many times have we said those excuses to ourselves?  I know I’ve said all of those phrases way more times than I can count.  And truth be told, each time I said those things, I felt like I was letting myself down because, like clockwork, I never did get around to doing whatever it was that I was pushing off.

Do you know how that made me feel?  Awful!  It totally messed with my mind.  Why was it that suddenly I didn’t have the energy I used to?  Why couldn’t I accomplish tasks that used to take me no time to do?  That was probably the starting point for the decline of my self-esteem.

Unfortunately, a drop in self-esteem tends to have a snowball effect on a variety of other areas in a person’s life.  When things in life aren’t going your way, it affects your level of happiness, which in turn plays a role in your self-confidence and how you present yourself to the world and can even lead to depression, among other things.

So ask yourself this: right now, at this very moment - are you happy??  If the answer is no, can you pinpoint the exact reason why?  Or are there a variety of reasons that are contributing to your discontent?  
Now let’s take this a step further.  If you let things continue as status quo, in a few more weeks or months down the road, how will what you're doing today contribute to your overall happiness?  If you're not happy now, and no changes are made, how can you expect to be happy in the future??  The answer is simple – you CAN’T.

If you aren't feeling well physically or emotionally or if you aren’t proud of yourself, it's hard to keep a positive mindset on life - trust me, I've been there. All those little aches in your joints, the exhaustion you feel the moment you step through the door to your home after a long, stressful day at work, the little voice in your head that keeps telling you things should…could be different – it all adds up and takes an unsuspecting toll on you. 

This is probably the thing I struggled with the most when I finally made the decision to regain my health.  Once I became a wife and mom, my priorities shifted, focusing entirely on my family rather than me.  I put my family first and I always came last – it didn’t matter what it was; the ones I love ALWAYS came first.

But there was a small little detail that I was missing while I was doing this… aka, while I slowly let myself go over the months and eventually years.  By putting everyone else first, I wasn’t taking care of my own needs, and as a result my health, both physically and emotionally, deteriorated.  Sure it was a slow decline that I never noticed on a day-to-day basis.  But as I look back over the years, I’m always amazed at how far I let everything slide before I finally realized what was happening to me. 

In the end, my lack of attention to my own needs actually had the opposite effect on me than what I had intended.  Instead of being a ‘supermom’ in reality my actions made me a much less effective mother and wife.  You probably read that and thought: "What’s she smoking?  She’s got it all backwards."

For the longest time, I would have agreed with you too.  Until I realized that if I wasn’t being the best ME that I could, then how could I expect to be able to take the best care possible of my family and loved ones?

To be completely honest – I wasn’t living up to my potential.  That was a really difficult concept to grasp.  “I let me down” – you know how hard that is to admit to yourself?  Trust me, it’s not easy.  My self-esteem pretty much hit rock bottom before I finally decided that I had to fix things.

You know what did it?  I’m going to be completely and most assuredly embarrassingly honest here so those of you out there who can relate so far know that you are not alone in your struggles….

Facebook did it… A seemingly innocuous picture my friend/neighbor had posted on his page from the New Years’ party he and his wife had hosted.  He had posted something one day and I was bored… and once again tired… and entirely WAY too willing to put off chores that I definitely should have been doing while my children napped. 

So what did my tired self do?  After looking at his current post I wasted time scrolling through other pictures he’d posted and that’s when I saw the damnable evidence that I was a freaking blimp!  Sure, I was pregnant at the time (due in less than two months) and had been on medication that made me balloon to the point that I put on well over 50 pounds during that pregnancy.  But still, over a year later I wasn’t much lighter than I was in that picture – and I was no longer pregnant.  I had NO EXCUSES.

So now what?  Honesty.  It’s that simple.  Be completely honest with yourself.  Where did you go wrong during the day?  Are there better ways to make use of your time?  What are you REALLY putting into that mouth of yours?  Is it really necessary to watch TV all night long?  You can squeeze in a half hour to exercise, right?  But you’re too busy… too tired…

It’s NOT easy.  I know – trust me, I’ve been there.  But you’ve got to find the courage to make the decision to change.  You only get one body… one life – make the most of it while you’ve got the chance.  Be healthy enough to fulfill all those dreams and aspirations you have.  You can do it – you just gotta believe in yourself.

I’ve read that 21 days is all it takes to form new habits.  The best part is they don't have to be huge, life altering changes. It could be as simple as waking up in the morning and drinking a glass of warm lemon water to help get your metabolism moving. Or maybe wake up and do some stretching... Maybe purposely park at the far end of the parking lot to force yourself to take a few extra steps each day.  

Whatever you decide to do first is great.  But you've got to start!  Try making one positive change and after that change has become a habit, add in another change that you wish to make.  

It's the little things that add up after a while - those are the things that will make or break you. Choosing positive habits to incorporate into your life will take you so much farther than you could have ever imagined.  It may not be easy; there may be times when you struggle, but remember this: you’re not alone.  There are others who will support you along your journey (myself included).

Make the decision to be the best version of you – you’re so worth it!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A lil bit about me

Sweat dripped down my face, stinging my eyes before I could wipe it away.  My breath came in short gasps; I was tired.  So tired and I wanted nothing more than to stop, but I could feel eyes on the back of my head. 
I glanced over my shoulder and smiled.  She returned the gesture.  All thoughts of quitting flew out of my mind.  I was looking at the oldest of my reasons for pushing my limits on a daily basis: my daughter.
Keep going, I reminded myself.  You got this!
You wondering what the heck is going on yet? 
Oh nothing much… just a little Insanity Max:30 as my daughter watched on, completely engrossed by both me and Shaun T.  I was getting my butt kicked yet again by the man I had grown to both love and hate over the months, but there was no way I was about to quit in front of my daughter.  What kind of example would that be setting? 
Eventually she joined in, laughing with excitement as she attempted certain exercises such as “in-and-out abs”.  And me? Well, I couldn’t have been prouder despite the fact that she left no room for me to move.

So who am I?  I’m simply a single mother of two amazing children, ages 4 and 3 (this February).  I began this fitness journey in earnest when I turned 30.  I think it was a bit of a mid-life crisis that got to me.  In my youth I had been a very competitive athlete but after shoulder surgery, two spinal fusions, gallbladder surgery and two pregnancies, I was heavier than I’d ever been (except while pregnant).  At times the extra weight made it difficult to take care of two extremely active toddlers.  It’s embarrassing to admit how out of breath I would get from such seemingly simple tasks.  My self-esteem plummeted to an all-time low.  On top of that, I also have a condition called PCOS which is an endocrine disorder that has too many side effects to want to list.  But let me tell you – by not taking care of my body, I was feeling all those side effects at once and I couldn’t stand it.  And the worst part of it all?  I felt like I was being a horrible mother to my kids because I was so exhausted all the time.

One day I woke up and said to myself this has to change.  I’m almost 30 but I feel like I’m 50.  It’s gotta stop!  So I used money I got for my birthday and placed an order for Insanity.  Two months later I started on Shakeology
I’m not going to lie – in the beginning it was really difficult.  I had been a fairly gifted athlete in my youth so it was more than a little demoralizing to get my butt whooped so easily by Shaun T.  And despite having the best intentions with exercising, I didn’t have the same attitude when it came to eating.  That was probably the hardest part for me.  I absolutely LOVE food (I’ll be the first to admit it – I am an emotional eater as well) and having to limit or even give up certain things was challenging at first.  As a result my weight yo-yo'ed for a few months.  I’d drop 10 pounds and celebrate that tiny victory with foods that most certainly should not have been consumed in such large quantities.  Then to my horror I’d gain back not only the 10 pounds I’d lost, but another 5 because… why not, right?
By winter that year I finally woke up and realized exercise alone wouldn't get me where I want to be.  If I was only going to half-ass it, then there was no point in even trying.  So I started watching how I ate – especially those late night snacks that tended to put weight on me faster than anything else.
But I kept at it - through all my struggles I made the decision that I would never quit.  I would keep going; I was determined to regain my health.  Once I made this decision, slowly but surely I began seeing results and my weight loss finally stopped yo-yo'ing.  It’s amazing what a difference an attitude adjustment can make.  
As the pounds came off, my energy came back.  It became easier to play and rough house with my kids.  I found healthier ways to cook food that still tasted good.  In general, I just felt better about myself and that made a world of difference.  I felt like a new person and was happier than I'd been in ages.  That happiness was reflected in all aspects of my life - including being the best mom I can to my children.
Since May 2013 I’ve managed to lose nearly 55 pounds (and have almost closed the abdominal separation I acquired from my first pregnancy) through the use of Shakeology, Insanity, and multiple rounds of T-25.  Currently, I am doing my first round of Insanity Max:30 and I couldn’t be happier with the progress I've made to date.
I'm so happy with my results that in late November, after talking to family and friends, I decided to take the plunge and finally become a Beachbody coach.  After all, I was already using the products and am proof that they really do work.  It was an idea I'd been toying around with for months, but never had the courage to officially pursue until a chance conversation took place.  I guess a little nudge was all I needed to finally align my work goals with my childhood dreams.  Funny how life works sometimes.
I may not be exactly where I want to be – but I’m getting there.  One day at a time.  With the right mindset anything can be accomplished.  Keep pushing play.