Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Honey Garlic Stir Fry

One of the things I love most about stir fry meals is how easy it is to get your veggies in!  But you gotta be careful when buying pre-made stir fry sauces. Most of those are LOADED with unhealthy ingredients. The sodium content alone is enough to make me put the bottle back on the shelf.  So here's an easy recipe that even your children will like!

Honey Garlic Stir Fry

For the stir fry:
* 1 pound boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces
* 1 pound chopped fresh veggies of your choice (most stores sell pre-cut stir fry mixes in their produce departments. HUGE time-saver!!) 
* 2 tbsp canola or vegetable oil, divided
* 1 1/2 cups uncooked rice of your choice

For the sauce:
* 4 cloves garlic (or 1 tsp garlic powder)
* 1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce (try Bragg's liquid aminos for a healthier option!)
* 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
* 3 tsp honey
* 1/4-1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
* 2 tsp cornstarch
* 2 tbsp chicken broth or water

1. Add 1 tbsp oil in large frying pan or wok at medium heat. While that's warming up, season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste. Coat the chicken in flour and set aside. 

2. Boil water for rice and cook according to directions on the package.

3. Add veggies to hot pan and cook approximately 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until veggies are tender crisp. Remove from pan and place on a plate, covering to keep warm.

4. Wipe the pan clean with a paper towel.  Add remaining tbsp of oil to pan and turn the heat to high.

5. In a medium-sized bowl whisk together garlic powder, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, honey and pepper flakes. Set aside.

4. Add chicken to the pan, stirring occasionally. Once the chicken is cooked through, return the veggies to the pan and cook for 2 minutes, or until the veggies are heated through.

5. Add sauce mixture and cook for 1 minute.

6. In a small bowl whisk cornstarch into the chicken broth (or water).  Add cornstarch mixture into pan and cook for 1 more minute, or until sauce begins to thicken.

7. Serve over rice immediately and enjoy!!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get in your daily requirement and actually enjoy it!

I love having my daily cup of Shakeology and I honestly didn't think there could be anything better than that. But now there's an option to #BoostUp your shake on an as-needed (or even daily) basis and this particular Boost is an easy way to get an extra serving of nutritious veggies your body needs.

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbino
I don't know about you, but as a child I used to be really particular as to which veggies I would eat, and especially how much I would eat. My own children are the same way at times; some days it's a battle to finish two tiny bites, and other days they'll devour their veggies and want seconds.

As an adult, I've grown to like a wide variety of vegetables but, let's face it, some days life just gets in the way of being healthy. I actually love to have a salad filled with lots of leafy greens, fruits and vegetables for lunch, but depending on my schedule I'm not always able to have one every single day. So those days I end up not eating nearly as many veggies as I know I should. I've also noticed that for whatever reason, I find it's much easier to get the daily fruit requirement in. But veggies? That's an entirely different story.   

Truthfully though, the exact reason doesn't matter because we all tend to have some kind of excuse as to why we didn't eat enough of that green goodness.

I don't like to buy them because they're expensive and tend to spoil too quickly. I hate throwing away money like that.

Fresh greens are hard to find where I live, especially the ones I really like.”
The taste turns me off. I haven't found a recipe that I really like.
It takes too long to wash and prepare. It just doesn't work with my busy lifestyle.” 

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbinoAny of those sound familiar? I'm sure at least one of them does. But here's the important thing that a lot of us tend to forget: experts recommend that the average adult needs to consume between 3 to 5 servings of vegetables on a daily basis, however, only a mere 14% ACTUALLY do! 

This is unfortunate because everything in our bodies are constantly striving for some kind of balance - between acidity and alkalinity. In fact, many holistic traditions encourage consuming a diet filled with alkaline foods in order to achieve this balance.

Most vegetables are a great source of alkaline, but if we're not eating enough our bodies will tend to be more acidic, which is a great environment for disease and sickness to develop in.

Green vegetables are low in carbs and calories, yet contain plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and one of the easiest ways to boost your intake is by integrating them into your healthy diet in the form of a powder.

That's where this particular Boost comes in to play. Using Power Greens as a supplement for those missing vegetables is a great way to maintain your healthy habits even when you’re away from home or really busy. While one serving of this supplement won't replace the actual vegetables you should be eating on a daily basis, it's a great way to bridge the gap on the days when your veggie consumption is lacking. It's also a great option if you're new to healthy eating and are not used to eating so much of the green stuff in a day or even week.  Power Greens is a great way to "trick" yourself into consuming more until you get used to your new lifestyle.

Each scoop of the Power Greens contains the equivalent of one cup of green vegetables, and the best part is that there are no artificial colors, preservatives, or sweeteners added in. For those who are concerned about how the taste of your shake may be affected - I can honestly say that I don't notice a difference on the days I add it in to mine. It does, however, add a bit of a green hue to the shake, but that's it. 

Click to play the video!

One of the things I love most about this Boost is that is formulated with all natural ingredients (aka ingredients that I can actually pronounce AND know what they are!). This is something that is incredibly important to me when I'm choosing a supplement. Here is a list of the major ingredients that are in Power Greens Boost:
Celery This cool and crunchy green veggie contains nutrients like vitamin A and phytonutrients.* If the benefits of celery don’t outweigh its stringiness for you, try it in a greens powder instead!
Chlorella - These algae supply phytonutrients. Chlorella has a distinct taste, but it’s virtually undetectable in Power Greens when consumed in a shake.
Cucumber - This cool, green veggie provides minerals like calcium, as well as vitamin A and phytonutrients.
Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbinoKale - This superfood is perhaps the most popular green veggie nowadays (have you ever had kale chips?), and it supplies a variety of different flavonoids and carotenoids.
Spinach - This dark leafy green contains vitamin A, calcium, and phytonutrients, and it usually has a milder taste than kale, so you can add it to pretty much everything, including muffins and smoothies.
Matcha - This is a powdered form of green tea leaves and is also a source of phytonutrients. This trendy, “new” ingredient can be found in everything from lattes to cupcakes nowadays, but matcha has a rich history in Japanese culture. The matcha in Power Greens is Japanese-grown and is certified USDA organic.

So whether you don't like the taste of veggies, don't have enough time to cook or grocery shop, or are simply on the go a lot, this Boost will help you to get those extra veggies in your diet... because let's face it, the more green stuff you eat, the happier your body will be!

Ready to give it a try? Click here to get yours today. If you still have more questions, send me a message and I'll be glad to help in any way I can!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Shakeology Boost: Digestive Health

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

I love having my daily cup of Shakeology and I didn't think it could get any better. But now there's an option to #BoostUp your shake on an as-needed (or even daily) basis, and this particular Boost is my absolute favorite of all the Boosts that are offered! It's the one Boost that I consistently keep stocked in our pantry.

I legitimately wish I had this one when my oldest was transitioning from breast milk to whole milk. Her system had a really hard time adjusting to the difference and despite trying everything our pediatrician told us to do, nothing ever seemed to help her system balance out properly for more than a day at a time.

Shakeology Digestive Health Boost. This article discusses what the Boost is and how it can be used to compliment your lifestyle. pinterest.com/lgerbinoWhen she was around 14 months old it got so bad that I'm quite positive I'll never forget this one day in particular. She was an amazing eater and had no problem filling up on high fiber foods and extra water. However, she still ended up so constipated and in such pain that she spent the entire day just crying in my arms. As a mother, it was absolutely heartbreaking! She was also so young that I was hesitant to use too much medicine on her that might have harsh effects on a one-year old's system (yes - first time mother there. She hated everything we tried and I ended up being terrified that whatever choice I made was going to make things even worse for her).

BUT if I had I had this trusty little Boost way back then, I'm positive we never would have endured such a difficult transition for her (and me too - because there's nothing worse than watching your child suffer). I would have simply added a fraction of a scoop into her milk. Unfortunately this was not available back then. As they say, you live and you learn.

Now, I give my daughter Shakeology whenever she asks, always making sure to throw in a tiny bit of the Digestive Health Boost for that extra peace of mind since she still has issues from time-to-time. She knows I put it in there, but it doesn't affect the taste of her shake so she doesn't mind.

Shakeology Digestive Health Boost. This article discusses what the Boost is and how it can be used to compliment your lifestyle. pinterest.com/lgerbinoTo be fully honest, she probably gets her delicate system from me. I absolutely love all things dairy but sometimes my system still has a hard time processing dairy, which is not entirely atypical of someone who has PCOS. Unfortunately, I find it hard to remove dairy completely from my daily diet. Still, even with trying to actively limit the amounts I consume, flair ups will occasionally occur so I always make sure to add it into my daily shakes. Usually I add about a quarter of a scoop and I'm good to go. However, if I'm travelling I always make sure to add a full scoop with each shake because eating out combined with dairy consumption tends to wreak havoc on my system. So by being proactive and using this Boost, I am able to avoid the harsh stomach aches that I have normally gotten in the past.

I'm sure our situation is not unlike others. Did you know that most Americans get less than half the daily recommended about of fiber? It's not surprising when you take in to account how busy our schedules have become nowadays. Fast food ends up being a meal more often than most of us would like. Even home cooked meals that come mostly from boxes are filled with additives and preservatives that are often harsh on our delicate systems.

I totally get it - I'm not immune to a hectic schedule either! I'm a busy work-from-home mom and some days trying to keep up with all our kids' schedules as well as my own work can be exhausting. It's even worse on the days my youngest (aka The Day Walker) decides he doesn't want to sleep - which means I don't get to sleep either. Those mornings blur by and before I know it the older kiddos are getting off the bus and I just don't feel like cooking. There's no shame in admitting that it happens to all of us at some point. That's why I'm so grateful to have the Digestive Health Boost in our lives! 

So now you're probably asking, "why do I need this Boost in addition to Shakeology?"

Well, let me ask you this: have you ever had one of those days where you consumed nothing but junk food? How'd your system feel the next day or two afterwards? Most likely you were feeling pretty lethargic, bloated and clogged up. 

Have you ever gone on vacation or traveled for an extended period of time where you ended up eating out for almost every meal? After a few days that kind of food can catch up to you in a bad way.

Even when drinking Shakeology daily, there are going to be days like those when you simply need a little something extra to get you through to the end of the day or to simply de-bloat from some bad food choices. If you're like me and my daughter, you may just need a little extra something on a daily basis to help to stay regular. Either way it's a great way to get your system back on track without having to resort to medicines or laxatives. 
Click to play the video!

Want some extra information about this Boost? Here you go:
  • It's formulated to decrease bloating and digestive discomfort.
  • It contains the optimal ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber to keep you regular.
  • It contains ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which helps support cardio vascular health.
Some of the key ingredients in the Digestive Health Boost include:
  • Chicory Root and Pea Fiber – Help maintain digestive system health and regularity.
  • Insoluble fiber from Chia and Flax Seeds – Good source of insoluble fiber, plus they contribute alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. ALA helps support cardiovascular health.
  • Soluble fiber from Psyllium Husk – As part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, it may reduce the risk of heart disease.
So there you have it. If you're interested in giving Digestive Health a try you can get it here.

Have more questions? Feel free to send me a message and I'll be glad to help in any way I can!