Tuesday, January 20, 2015

“Are You Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology?”

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

“That's so expensive! How can you afford to drink that?! And by the way – you know what that shake looks like, right!?”

I can't tell you how many times I've heard those phrases over the years. I won't lie, it used to bother me in the beginning. I mean, I had really horrible eating habits so the only thought that would keep running through my mind was, "would it kill you to simply be happy for the positive changes I was trying to make?"
Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating www.pinterest.com/lgerbino

Thankfully, those days are long gone. Now I just smile and gulp it down and every time those negative comments are said to me, in my head I’m usually wondering something along the lines of: “How can you diss it when you've never had it? Just take a sip. It’s SO good! You don’t know what you're missing – honest! Just try it!”

For those of you who don’t know me that well, the Vegan Chocolate Shakeology is my go-to flavor and I typically add other things in it. Some of my favorite additions include spinach leaves and an apple. More recently it's been a small banana, unsweetened almond milk, PB2, cinnamon, and a partial scoop of the Digestive Health Boost. It’s the easiest way to get an extra serving of fruit and veggies into my diet on a daily basis. So in all honesty, by the time I've blended everything in my trusty Ninja, my concoction DOES look like crap - sorta - but in actuality, it tastes AMAZING! Just like a chocolate milkshake, except this particular shake is healthy for me.

Do you have to add other things into the shake like I do?  Absolutely not!  A little liquid (water or a milk of your preference), some ice if you want it extra cold, and a scoop of Shakeology are perfectly acceptable! I just happen to like a variety for my breakfast. If you’re not sure what combinations go well together, you can always ask me what I typically do or check out the Shakeology website for a large selection of recipes.

Seriously though, if I invested a penny every time I heard one of those negative comments, I’d be a freaking millionaire by now. Yet at a price tag of $129 for a month supply, I can certainly understand why people react this way. After all, I was hesitant to buy it at first too – and the price alone was a very large part of why I waited a couple months after starting Insanity to purchase my first bag. It’s a lot of money to waste on a product you’re not sure you’re going to like in the first place. Thankfully, Beachbody offers a bottom of the bag guarantee which was a contributing factor as to why I took a chance in the first place. And yes, you read that right. Bottom of the bag guarantee. So really, there's absolutely no risk to you trying it. 

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating www.pinterest.com/lgerbino
The price of Shakeology breaks down to roughly $4.30 for an ENTIRE meal that contains over 70 ultra-high quality ingredients. When you think about it, that's actually pretty darn cheap! You simply can’t beat the quality OR price.

Still not so sure? No worries, let's think about it in another way. How many of us go out and buy a cup of coffee on the commute to work? Think about how much an average cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks run. Or do you pick up fast food for breakfast? The price of either isn't so cheap either and the quality of food you’re actually getting is even worse. Don't lie, you know exactly what I mean. You don’t feel so great after eating it, do you? I'm willing to bet you've gotten a stomach ache or had to run to the bathroom shortly after consuming certain fast foods, right? 

Wanna know why these things happen?  

Because we are living in a society in which we are overfed yet undernourished. To be completely honest, the more we eat bad food, the more we crave it, which in turn leads to sickness and disease.

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating www.pinterest.com/lgerbino
Re-read that and let it sink in for a bit...

The other question I get a lot is how can a silly little shake actually keep me feeling full?  Aren’t you STARVING after an hour or so?

The answer is in how Shakeology is designed. It's more than just a meal replacement shake; it's the smartest, healthiest thing you can put into your body. It's derived from whole foods containing proteins, healthy fats, superfoods and much more that not only keep you feeling full longer, but actually work to reduce your cravings for junk food while improving your digestion. So because you’re feeding your body the nutrients it needs, you actually end up feeling more satisfied and fuller for a longer period of time.

For you price skeptics out there, do you know what else that means? When you feel fuller for longer periods of time, you are inevitably going to snack less. So if you're snacking less, do you really need to be buying all those junk foods at the grocery store that you're not going to be hungry enough to eat? That answer would be NO, at least not on an everyday or every week basis. So this is just one example of how you really start to save when incorporating Shakeology into your daily life.
Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating www.pinterest.com/lgerbino
A second way you're saving with Shakeology deals with getting sick. As I'm going through and updating this article, I've been drinking Shakeology consistently for over three years now. In that time, I have not gotten the flu (and no - I don't get the flu shot either). In fact, the only time I've gone to the doctor was for my third pregnancy. NO sick visits. Sure, I've gotten a little rundown from time to time (mainly from lack of sleep thanks to my youngest), and a minor head cold last winter that a little extra Vitamin C and chicken soup took care off. But other than my pregnancy I have not had to go to the doctor. That means I've just drastically reduced what I used to pay for over-the-counter prescriptions and medications, doctor visit co-pays, and no sick days taken from work. I don't know about you, but I believe that's a cost-benefit ratio that is stacked in my favor!

Another item really worth mentioning is the increase in energy you get from adding Shakeology into your daily diet. This is something I was truly skeptical about, especially since PCOS causes my energy levels to fluctuate drastically depending on how well I’m eating and exercising. I kept thinking it’s not REALLY going to make a difference. But to my surprise it DID! Barely a week into consistently drinking Shakeology for breakfast and I already felt a noticeable difference – I was shocked. 

Think about all the things you want to do during a typical day but keep putting off because you don’t have the energy to do by the end of the day… what would you do first? For me this was really important because as a stay-at-home mother of two young toddlers who don’t ever sit still (as is the case with any child really) the house would basically be trashed by bedtime. But now I was finding that even after taking care of them all day long, I had energy at night to clean up things I would have otherwise said, “Eh… it can wait until tomorrow” (because we all know how well THAT turns out).

So it’s no wonder Beachbody touts Shakeology as “the healthiest meal of the day!” I was completely sold on this stuff for the increase in energy alone. However, the kicker? Once I started drinking Shakeology that is when my weight finally started coming off AND, more importantly, STAYING off! My weight stopped yo-yoing. No longer was I craving those late night snacks or junk food in particular. I even found it easier to say “no” to whatever unhealthy snacks I was offered. Sure, I still have my moments –hey, I'm only human after all - but they are not nearly as frequent nor as bad as they previously were. 

Howver, before I continue - let me clarify something real quickly. Shakeology is a meal replacement shake, NOT a diet shake or any kind of fad like that. Now you're probably thinking something along the lines of: "But she just said she lost weight while drinking it!?" Which I totally did! BUT I had already been exercising consistently and trying to eat healthier (which was more often than not derailed by nighttime snacking). Once I replaced my breakfast with a glass of Shakeology, my weight started to come off because I was filling up on the nutrients my body actually needed. Therefore, by the end of the night, I wasn't feeling cravings for the things I thought my body needed because I'd already gotten those nutrients earlier in the day. So by consuming less food late at night, combined with the addition of nutrients I actually needed, the weight finally budged. But please understand, this is not some get-thin-quick gimmick. This is the real deal, a healthy shake that's meant to be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, not a fad diet plan.

Are you Really Gonna Drink That Shakeology? #HealthyMeals #Shakeology #CleanEating www.pinterest.com/lgerbinoAnd while we're discussing snacking, if you got that sweet tooth like me I’ve got some great news! Here’s yet another thing I love about Shakeology – you can use it to make HEALTHY desserts such as cookies, puddings, pies and more.

The kids and I made the no-bake cookies the other week and they were a big hit. I let my munchkins help make them (which they loved since they felt like “big kids”) so… let’s just say the final product didn't look nearly as pretty as the picture shown on the recipe card. ;) But who cares about that, right?!  We spent time together as a family making a healthy snack AND they had a blast. It was a total win-win situation!

Want to give Shakeology a try too? You can order it here. Full disclosure: by ordering through my link I'll earn a small commission off your purchase (this doesn't change the price for you!) and I'll become your Coach (that is, if you're not already working with a Coach). Keep in mind, ALL of my coaching services are free of charge - I simply earn through any purchases you choose to make through my links.

Still undecided? Beachbody sells samples that you can try before investing in a full month’s supply. There are two options to choose from: 

* The regular sampler pack (includes chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cafe latte, and greenberry flavors) that you can get here, or 
* The vegan sampler pack (includes chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and cafe latte flavors) that you can get here.

Have more questions or want to discuss how a Coach can help you on your health and fitness journey? Feel free to send me a message – I’ll be glad to help in any way I can!

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