Sunday, October 18, 2015

Are you Ready for a Challenge??

Are you Ready for a Challenge? This article discusses what an online accountability group is, how it can benefit you, and how to join.
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

Have you ever spent WAY too much time trying on outfits and critiquing yourself in front of a mirror only to feel frustrated by the way your clothes fit? Are you unwilling to go shopping to get new clothes because that requires you to try on even MORE outfits and you don’t want to face the possibility that those clothes might not make you feel any better about yourself? I mean seriously… who needs that hit to their self-esteem, right??

Have you ever decided to start a new “diet” only to be sabotaged (whether intentionally or unintentionally) by those closest to you? You know… the donuts or cookies brought into the lunchroom at work? The friends who talk you into going out for that burger and fries?  Or for my absolute weakness - pizza and ice cream. The friends or family members who just don’t get what you’re trying to do and so they try to tell you what you should be doing instead? (I know… that one sounds harsh, because sometimes they really do have your best intentions at heart… but it still happens and that doesn’t make it hurt any less). You feel pestered and pressured and you just give in to them to avoid any drama because you haven’t learned how to say “NO” to others yet without feeling guilty about it.

Have you been wanting to start exercising but feel self-conscious about stepping foot inside a gym because you’re at a beginner level or you don’t know what all those machines are for? Hiring a personal trainer can get expensive, especially if you meet with them more than once a week. Not to mention your schedule is dictated by your trainer’s availability – not necessarily what works best for YOU and your time is precious because let’s face it… we all have hectic schedules, between work, family, and social events… there’s not a lot of time left over in any given day.

Have you been wanting to eat healthier, but feel overwhelmed by the entire process and aren’t sure where to start? Food labels can be confusing and stepping away from pre-packaged foods can seem both daunting and expensive, but I promise you, it’s NOT. And preparing foods from scratch?! It’s actually NOT that time consuming and there are valuable shortcuts you can take each week to save you precious time in that crazy-busy schedule of yours.

Have you started to eat healthy and incorporate exercise into your daily life only to have a bad day turn into a series of bad days… and eventually stopped all those healthy habits altogether?  And it just never seems to be the right time to get yourself back on track??

Do you go to work, come home, get dinner, get the kids to their practices and then to bed, only to spend the rest of the night vegging out on the couch because you're too tired to do anything else?

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin??

Are you afraid of failing??

Does any or ALL of those statements sound familiar to you?  If it does, then I’ve got a solution for you: 

Accountability groups… aka Challenge groups. 

What do you get with these groups?
  • Me as your Coach (you knew that was coming, right?)
  • Together we'll find the challenge pack that will work best for your personal needs.
  • Based on your desires, we'll set clear, attainable goals that can be reached by creating a new, healthy lifestyle. (Notice I said *lifestyle* NOT diet.) 
  • Exclusive access to a private online group filled with like-minded people who are also on a mission to take back control of their lives.
  • We create and implement meal plans to keep us on track, even when life gets crazy.  
  • We add fun into the mix with recipe exchanges and friendly competitions (and yes, there are prizes for the winners!).  
These groups not only provide the answers to all the questions above, but they also provide another main ingredient for success: SUPPORT… a second family for you to lean on when life gets tough. 

So how about it??  Are you ready to try something new? Can you commit for 28 days to step out of your comfort zone in order to take control of your health and fitness? 

I promise you it’s worth it… it WILL change your life!  And as your Coach, I will be here with you every step of your fitness journey. I will help motivate and encourage you to become the best version of you possible!

Click here to make me your coach so we can get started on your journey!

Click here to apply for my next accountability group!

Have questions?  See the FAQ below or send me a message for more information.


What exactly does a challenge group involve?

A challenge group is held in a private online accountability group where participants follow a healthy nutrition and exercise plan based on Beachbody programs (such as 21 Day Fix, PiYo, P90X, Insanity, etc) and the use of Shakeology. During the challenge we learn how to meal plan as well as share healthy recipes because healthy food doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive! 

Each morning I start our day with an informative and/or inspirational post or video. Most of the posts I do involve interaction from all the participants, so you must be ready and willing to interact with everyone in the group. If you don’t interact with us, we begin to lose an integral part of our success – support! The more you interact the greater your results will most likely be.

We also hold a friendly competition to help keep everyone motivated while having fun. But more importantly, it's a great way to start or continue your health and fitness journey and work towards your goals. Almost every single one of my challengers has commented that they wouldn’t have been able to stick to their new, healthy lifestyle if it hadn’t been for the support and encouragement of the other group members.

So remember:

Support (from me & the group) + Accountability + Nutrition + Exercise = RESULTS

How long does the challenge group last?

My groups last 21-28 days. The first week is what we call a "Prep" week where we learn the basics. This week is filled with lots of informational posts as I encourage my challengers to ease into meal planning and daily exercise. Remember, small daily changes that are consistently applied add up in the long run! 

During the remaining 2-3 weeks the daily requirements of exercise and following a strict meal plan begin and we also start the friendly competition portion of our challenge. My posts will now vary from informational to motivation and support, to just plain FUN. This is the time when you will begin to notice all kinds of amazing changes in yourself!

What sort of results can I expect?

Individual results will vary based on personal goals and effort. Some may wish to just tone and feel better overall. Many participants want to lose weight. It's not uncommon for my challenge group participants to lose 10-13 pounds as well as several inches during the 28 days.  

Let me know if you'd like to see some of my participants' before and after photos! 

Remember, if you don't get the results you worked for, Beachbody has a 100% money back guarantee! 

What if I want to lose more than 10 pounds or have goals that will need more than 28 days?

The challenge group should give you the tools to succeed on your own after the group is complete.  However, you can certainly participate in another challenge group if you'd like. Many of my participants actually love their experience and results so much they continue the program. The choice is totally up to you!

Sounds Great! What do I need to do to get started?

You need to be committed and willing to put in effort to get the results you desire.

To participate, in the group you will need:
  • Beachbody fitness program of your choice, or you can sign up for Beachbody On Demand (I can help you decide what will work best for your personal needs and preferences)
  • Shakeology in the flavor (or flavors) of your choice

What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a superfood meal replacement shake that is a vital part of the program. It contains adaptogens, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics, and vitamins which help aid in immune support, improve digestion, curb cravings, and build lean muscles. Shakeology also has a good blend of macronutrients including protein.

It provides balanced nutrition and extra support beyond that of a mere protein shake, which helps you obtain the fitness results you want!

There are a variety flavors to choose from: Chocolate, Strawberry, Greenberry, Vanilla, and Cafe Latte.  If you'd prefer a Vegan options are also available in Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Cafe Latte.  My absolute favorite is the Vegan Chocolate.

Personally, this was the absolute game-changer when it came to fixing my nutrition.  Click here to read an article I wrote previously about Shakeology.

If you want to give the flavors a try before purchasing a month's supply, you can certainly go ahead and try one of the Shakeology Sampler Packs.  

Click here to get the sampler pack for the regular flavors.

Click here to get the sampler pack for the vegan flavors.

How do I choose a fitness program and what programs do I have to choose from?

Knowing your overall goal will be the first step in choosing the program that’s a perfect fit for you. For example, do you want to tone? Lose a lot of weight? Increase muscle mass? 

You personal fitness level, type of workout preferences, and how much time you are willing to commit to daily exercise will also need to be taken into consideration.

As always, you can message me to discuss which program will work best for you!

I picked a program and my Shakeology - how much does this all cost?

The BEST deal to get Shakeology with a Beachbody program is to purchase a "Challenge Pack". This gives you a bundle deal where you will save money vs. purchasing Shakeology and the fitness program separately. The cost of challenge packs range from $140 - $200+ depending on which program you choose.

Is there anything else that may help me improve my health or increase my results?

These are all OPTIONAL but I highly encourage you to consider trying at least one of them:

  • Shakeology Boosts - These are specially formulated to be the perfect addition to your daily dose of Shakeology.  Do you feel you need more energy, have issues with regularity (constipation), or have trouble getting your vegetables in?  Then you may want to consider trying one of the new Shakeology boosts:

  • Beachbody Performance Line - These premium supplements are for individuals who are ready to take their workouts to the next level.
    • Energize  Gives you increased energy and endurance to complete your workouts.
    • Hydrate – Keeps your body properly hydrated and fueled during intense workouts.
    • Creatine – Helps you increase muscle mass and strength.
    • Recover – A yummy-tasting chocolate protein powder to be taken post-workout to help speed muscle recovery and exercise-induced soreness.
    • Recharge – This is a night-time protein blend to be taken within an hour of going to bed to accelerate overnight muscle repair and recovery while you sleep.

  • 3 Day Refresh - This is a nice add-on to start or end your challenge. It's an intense, non-starvation cleanse where you eat fruits and vegetables along with 3 shakes a day, plus a daily fiber sweep drink. It will help you lose a few pounds and inches fast. This is also a good stand-alone option to get you back on track after you've made some poor diet choices (vacation, holidays etc.).

Since everyone has different goals and preferences there really is something available for everyone!

Ready to get started?  Click here and choose the "Join" option to make me your coach so we can get started on your journey!

Still have questions? Send me a message for more information.