Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Honey Garlic Stir Fry

One of the things I love most about stir fry meals is how easy it is to get your veggies in!  But you gotta be careful when buying pre-made stir fry sauces. Most of those are LOADED with unhealthy ingredients. The sodium content alone is enough to make me put the bottle back on the shelf.  So here's an easy recipe that even your children will like!

Honey Garlic Stir Fry

For the stir fry:
* 1 pound boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces
* 1 pound chopped fresh veggies of your choice (most stores sell pre-cut stir fry mixes in their produce departments. HUGE time-saver!!) 
* 2 tbsp canola or vegetable oil, divided
* 1 1/2 cups uncooked rice of your choice

For the sauce:
* 4 cloves garlic (or 1 tsp garlic powder)
* 1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce (try Bragg's liquid aminos for a healthier option!)
* 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
* 3 tsp honey
* 1/4-1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
* 2 tsp cornstarch
* 2 tbsp chicken broth or water

1. Add 1 tbsp oil in large frying pan or wok at medium heat. While that's warming up, season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste. Coat the chicken in flour and set aside. 

2. Boil water for rice and cook according to directions on the package.

3. Add veggies to hot pan and cook approximately 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until veggies are tender crisp. Remove from pan and place on a plate, covering to keep warm.

4. Wipe the pan clean with a paper towel.  Add remaining tbsp of oil to pan and turn the heat to high.

5. In a medium-sized bowl whisk together garlic powder, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, honey and pepper flakes. Set aside.

4. Add chicken to the pan, stirring occasionally. Once the chicken is cooked through, return the veggies to the pan and cook for 2 minutes, or until the veggies are heated through.

5. Add sauce mixture and cook for 1 minute.

6. In a small bowl whisk cornstarch into the chicken broth (or water).  Add cornstarch mixture into pan and cook for 1 more minute, or until sauce begins to thicken.

7. Serve over rice immediately and enjoy!!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get in your daily requirement and actually enjoy it!

I love having my daily cup of Shakeology and I honestly didn't think there could be anything better than that. But now there's an option to #BoostUp your shake on an as-needed (or even daily) basis and this particular Boost is an easy way to get an extra serving of nutritious veggies your body needs.

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbino
I don't know about you, but as a child I used to be really particular as to which veggies I would eat, and especially how much I would eat. My own children are the same way at times; some days it's a battle to finish two tiny bites, and other days they'll devour their veggies and want seconds.

As an adult, I've grown to like a wide variety of vegetables but, let's face it, some days life just gets in the way of being healthy. I actually love to have a salad filled with lots of leafy greens, fruits and vegetables for lunch, but depending on my schedule I'm not always able to have one every single day. So those days I end up not eating nearly as many veggies as I know I should. I've also noticed that for whatever reason, I find it's much easier to get the daily fruit requirement in. But veggies? That's an entirely different story.   

Truthfully though, the exact reason doesn't matter because we all tend to have some kind of excuse as to why we didn't eat enough of that green goodness.

I don't like to buy them because they're expensive and tend to spoil too quickly. I hate throwing away money like that.

Fresh greens are hard to find where I live, especially the ones I really like.”
The taste turns me off. I haven't found a recipe that I really like.
It takes too long to wash and prepare. It just doesn't work with my busy lifestyle.” 

Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbinoAny of those sound familiar? I'm sure at least one of them does. But here's the important thing that a lot of us tend to forget: experts recommend that the average adult needs to consume between 3 to 5 servings of vegetables on a daily basis, however, only a mere 14% ACTUALLY do! 

This is unfortunate because everything in our bodies are constantly striving for some kind of balance - between acidity and alkalinity. In fact, many holistic traditions encourage consuming a diet filled with alkaline foods in order to achieve this balance.

Most vegetables are a great source of alkaline, but if we're not eating enough our bodies will tend to be more acidic, which is a great environment for disease and sickness to develop in.

Green vegetables are low in carbs and calories, yet contain plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and one of the easiest ways to boost your intake is by integrating them into your healthy diet in the form of a powder.

That's where this particular Boost comes in to play. Using Power Greens as a supplement for those missing vegetables is a great way to maintain your healthy habits even when you’re away from home or really busy. While one serving of this supplement won't replace the actual vegetables you should be eating on a daily basis, it's a great way to bridge the gap on the days when your veggie consumption is lacking. It's also a great option if you're new to healthy eating and are not used to eating so much of the green stuff in a day or even week.  Power Greens is a great way to "trick" yourself into consuming more until you get used to your new lifestyle.

Each scoop of the Power Greens contains the equivalent of one cup of green vegetables, and the best part is that there are no artificial colors, preservatives, or sweeteners added in. For those who are concerned about how the taste of your shake may be affected - I can honestly say that I don't notice a difference on the days I add it in to mine. It does, however, add a bit of a green hue to the shake, but that's it. 

Click to play the video!

One of the things I love most about this Boost is that is formulated with all natural ingredients (aka ingredients that I can actually pronounce AND know what they are!). This is something that is incredibly important to me when I'm choosing a supplement. Here is a list of the major ingredients that are in Power Greens Boost:
Celery This cool and crunchy green veggie contains nutrients like vitamin A and phytonutrients.* If the benefits of celery don’t outweigh its stringiness for you, try it in a greens powder instead!
Chlorella - These algae supply phytonutrients. Chlorella has a distinct taste, but it’s virtually undetectable in Power Greens when consumed in a shake.
Cucumber - This cool, green veggie provides minerals like calcium, as well as vitamin A and phytonutrients.
Shakeology Boost: Power Greens. Veggie haters rejoice - there's now an easy way to get your daily requirements in and not hate it! www.pinterest.com/lgerbinoKale - This superfood is perhaps the most popular green veggie nowadays (have you ever had kale chips?), and it supplies a variety of different flavonoids and carotenoids.
Spinach - This dark leafy green contains vitamin A, calcium, and phytonutrients, and it usually has a milder taste than kale, so you can add it to pretty much everything, including muffins and smoothies.
Matcha - This is a powdered form of green tea leaves and is also a source of phytonutrients. This trendy, “new” ingredient can be found in everything from lattes to cupcakes nowadays, but matcha has a rich history in Japanese culture. The matcha in Power Greens is Japanese-grown and is certified USDA organic.

So whether you don't like the taste of veggies, don't have enough time to cook or grocery shop, or are simply on the go a lot, this Boost will help you to get those extra veggies in your diet... because let's face it, the more green stuff you eat, the happier your body will be!

Ready to give it a try? Click here to get yours today. If you still have more questions, send me a message and I'll be glad to help in any way I can!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Shakeology Boost: Digestive Health

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

I love having my daily cup of Shakeology and I didn't think it could get any better. But now there's an option to #BoostUp your shake on an as-needed (or even daily) basis, and this particular Boost is my absolute favorite of all the Boosts that are offered! It's the one Boost that I consistently keep stocked in our pantry.

I legitimately wish I had this one when my oldest was transitioning from breast milk to whole milk. Her system had a really hard time adjusting to the difference and despite trying everything our pediatrician told us to do, nothing ever seemed to help her system balance out properly for more than a day at a time.

Shakeology Digestive Health Boost. This article discusses what the Boost is and how it can be used to compliment your lifestyle. pinterest.com/lgerbinoWhen she was around 14 months old it got so bad that I'm quite positive I'll never forget this one day in particular. She was an amazing eater and had no problem filling up on high fiber foods and extra water. However, she still ended up so constipated and in such pain that she spent the entire day just crying in my arms. As a mother, it was absolutely heartbreaking! She was also so young that I was hesitant to use too much medicine on her that might have harsh effects on a one-year old's system (yes - first time mother there. She hated everything we tried and I ended up being terrified that whatever choice I made was going to make things even worse for her).

BUT if I had I had this trusty little Boost way back then, I'm positive we never would have endured such a difficult transition for her (and me too - because there's nothing worse than watching your child suffer). I would have simply added a fraction of a scoop into her milk. Unfortunately this was not available back then. As they say, you live and you learn.

Now, I give my daughter Shakeology whenever she asks, always making sure to throw in a tiny bit of the Digestive Health Boost for that extra peace of mind since she still has issues from time-to-time. She knows I put it in there, but it doesn't affect the taste of her shake so she doesn't mind.

Shakeology Digestive Health Boost. This article discusses what the Boost is and how it can be used to compliment your lifestyle. pinterest.com/lgerbinoTo be fully honest, she probably gets her delicate system from me. I absolutely love all things dairy but sometimes my system still has a hard time processing dairy, which is not entirely atypical of someone who has PCOS. Unfortunately, I find it hard to remove dairy completely from my daily diet. Still, even with trying to actively limit the amounts I consume, flair ups will occasionally occur so I always make sure to add it into my daily shakes. Usually I add about a quarter of a scoop and I'm good to go. However, if I'm travelling I always make sure to add a full scoop with each shake because eating out combined with dairy consumption tends to wreak havoc on my system. So by being proactive and using this Boost, I am able to avoid the harsh stomach aches that I have normally gotten in the past.

I'm sure our situation is not unlike others. Did you know that most Americans get less than half the daily recommended about of fiber? It's not surprising when you take in to account how busy our schedules have become nowadays. Fast food ends up being a meal more often than most of us would like. Even home cooked meals that come mostly from boxes are filled with additives and preservatives that are often harsh on our delicate systems.

I totally get it - I'm not immune to a hectic schedule either! I'm a busy work-from-home mom and some days trying to keep up with all our kids' schedules as well as my own work can be exhausting. It's even worse on the days my youngest (aka The Day Walker) decides he doesn't want to sleep - which means I don't get to sleep either. Those mornings blur by and before I know it the older kiddos are getting off the bus and I just don't feel like cooking. There's no shame in admitting that it happens to all of us at some point. That's why I'm so grateful to have the Digestive Health Boost in our lives! 

So now you're probably asking, "why do I need this Boost in addition to Shakeology?"

Well, let me ask you this: have you ever had one of those days where you consumed nothing but junk food? How'd your system feel the next day or two afterwards? Most likely you were feeling pretty lethargic, bloated and clogged up. 

Have you ever gone on vacation or traveled for an extended period of time where you ended up eating out for almost every meal? After a few days that kind of food can catch up to you in a bad way.

Even when drinking Shakeology daily, there are going to be days like those when you simply need a little something extra to get you through to the end of the day or to simply de-bloat from some bad food choices. If you're like me and my daughter, you may just need a little extra something on a daily basis to help to stay regular. Either way it's a great way to get your system back on track without having to resort to medicines or laxatives. 
Click to play the video!

Want some extra information about this Boost? Here you go:
  • It's formulated to decrease bloating and digestive discomfort.
  • It contains the optimal ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber to keep you regular.
  • It contains ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which helps support cardio vascular health.
Some of the key ingredients in the Digestive Health Boost include:
  • Chicory Root and Pea Fiber – Help maintain digestive system health and regularity.
  • Insoluble fiber from Chia and Flax Seeds – Good source of insoluble fiber, plus they contribute alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. ALA helps support cardiovascular health.
  • Soluble fiber from Psyllium Husk – As part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, it may reduce the risk of heart disease.
So there you have it. If you're interested in giving Digestive Health a try you can get it here.

Have more questions? Feel free to send me a message and I'll be glad to help in any way I can!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Beachbody Health Bet - Join the Challenge!!

Wouldn’t it be awesome to get paid simply for exercising??

How would you like extra cash just for building healthy habits??

Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? Well guess what? Now you can! During the month of September Beachbody is offering you the chance to do just that through Health Bet!

Now you’re probably wondering what is Beachbody’s Health Bet.

It’s simple - Beachbody is literally betting cold hard CASH that you will fall in love with getting healthy!

During the Challenge period (September 5th – October 2nd, 2016) anyone who meets the requirements below will win an equal share of a $1 million dollar+ cash pot funded by Beachbody! As a BONUS – for every Challenge Pack sold from July 27th – August 31st, 2016, Beachbody will add $5 to the pot for up to a $3 million dollar pot! As of the time of writing this the pot has already reached $1.25 million and is growing daily!!

THIS is why I love Beachbody so much – and especially this Health Bet Challenge. They focus on building healthy LIFESTYLE HABITS! Forget being a slave to the numbers (and this from a former accountant! ;)). It’s not about focusing on the things that are going to demoralize you because honestly that scale only tells a TINY portion of the overall picture!

You are being rewarded for creating healthy HABITS – and they’re habits that ANYONE can do!
  • Workout 3 times per week
  • Drink Shakeology 5 times per week
That’s it!!

Most programs are ONLY 22-30 minutes – and let's be honest, you’ve got that much time in your day! So no pressure to workout for hours. No embarrassing weigh-ins.

You simply workout, drink a shake, and post them in your Beachbody Challenge Tracker app. Super easy!! No stressing about things you shouldn’t.
Don’t forget about your other reward!! How much cash will you win?

It depends on how large the final pot will be (minimum of $1 million and maximum of $3 million) and how many people participate. So it could be $5, $15, $50 or more. Beachbody will announce the total pot amount in early September.

But the good news is whether you get a big check, or just enough to buy a Frappuccino, you will be a winner in that you have created the healthy habits of moving your body and drinking a health shake! You will be a stronger, more fit, more vibrant person at the end of the month than you were when you started!
Want to join me???

I’m running a special Health Bet challenge group for the entire contest period. We start on September 5th and go through October 2nd. So you will not only earn the Beachbody Health Bet payout, but you’ll also get the support of me and a group of others on the same journey to become the healthiest version of ourselves as possible. Not to mention some extra cash too!!
What are the requirements to join my group?
  1. I must be your official Beachbody coach. If you don’t have a coach, sign up here for a free Team Beachbody membership with ME.  (If you are already working with a coach please reach out to him or her to see if they are offering challenge groups for the contest period. If you are NOT working closely with a coach, I would love to support you! CONTACT ME for more details.
  2. A Challenge Pack which is your workout program bundled with Shakeology must be purchased by August 27th. 
  3. A smart phone to access the My Challenge Tracker app. (Works on iPhones and Android – I’ll send you the link to download the app as well as a personal invite to the group. Don’t worry about not knowing how to use the app – I will teach you how to do this!!)
Ready to get paid to get fit? Let’s do this together! Fill out the APPLICATION and I’ll be in touch with the details!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

3 Day Refresh

It's so easy to let your nutrition slip.  An extra slice of pizza here... a bowl of ice cream there.  Or even that salad you convinced yourself was healthy - despite the toppings you chose to put on it.  Holidays especially are ever so helpful for keeping your nutrition on track too!

We've all done it from time to time, myself included.  Before you know it your pants are snug and uncomfortable, your favorite shirt doesn't fit quite as well as it used to.  And my least favorite - your energy levels plummet and lethargy kicks in full throttle.

So now what? 

Whether you're looking to start a new fitness program and jump in full force, or if you're just looking for a little help in the maintenance area, there's a solution: the 3 Day Refresh!

Over the course of 3 days, this program will help you break the cycle of bad eating by cleansing your body and improving the way you feel WITHOUT any starvation.

How does it work?

It's a simple process:
  • 3 Shakes per day
  • 1 fiber drink per day
  • 3 small meals per day

A typical day consists of the following:

Breakfast - Shakeology + 1 fruit option
Tea Break - Unsweetened green or herbal tea
Late AM - Fiber Sweep digestive drink

Lunch - Vanilla Fresh shake + 1 fruit option + 1 veggie option + 1 healthy fat option
Snack - 1 veggie option + 1 healthy fat option OR 1 raw juice option
Tea Break - Unsweetened herbal tea

Dinner - Vanilla Fresh Shake + 1 option from Dinner Recipes list
Tea Break - Unsweetened herbal tea


Katia S. lost 3.2 lbs in 3 days with the 3-Day Refresh

"I learned the importance of cleansing my body. I feel much more energetic. I was able to sleep through the night without waking up and I'm not feeling stressed anymore." 

Aaron A was feeling bloated after a period of unhealthy eating and felt like no matter how hard he worked, he couldn't get back on track. After the Refresh he had so much more energy, felt amazing, and plans to Refresh at least every 3 months! 

Lost 8 lbs and 2.5 inches. | 32 years old

Mary C. lost 6 lbs in 3 days with Beachbody's 3 Day Refresh!

"I feel amazing! I needed a fresh start and a detox, and this worked! I felt refreshed, my cravings disappeared, and I just felt like a new person!"

Kick-Start Healthier Habits and Lose Weight with 3-Day Refresh!

The Club Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack is the first to offer 3-Day Refresh together with 90-day streaming access to hundreds of workouts via Beachbody On Demand, so you can instantly begin your transformation by cleaning up your nutrition, drinking Shakeology, and tapping into Beachbody's most popular programs, like P90X®, INSANITY®, and 10-Minute Trainer®. No matter which workout you choose, your body will be primed and ready for more effective weight loss!

Your 3-day Refresh Kit includes:

6 packets of Vanilla Fresh.  Curb hunger with a protein-rich shake that contains more than 20 grams of plant-based protein, plus 22 vitamins, minerals, and probiotics and a patented potato protein extract clinically tested to satisfy your appetite.
3 packets of Fiber Sweep.  Gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system with its blend of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks.
Program Guide.  This comprehensive guide walks you through how the program works and how to prepare your shopping list.

A 30-DAY SUPPLY OF SHAKEOLOGY—The Healthiest Meal of the Day®.

Without the proper nutrition, your results can only go so far. That's why we're giving you a full month's worth of Shakeology—it's absolutely key to your total-body makeover!
Fuel up with The Healthiest Meal of the Day to kick-start your weight loss, help feel more energized for your Beachbody On Demand workouts, reduce junk-food cravings, and get to your fitness goals even faster! This powerful superfood protein shake contains a nutrient-dense combination of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and many other rare ingredients you can't get from a normal diet—for just $4 a serving! You'd have to spend $700 on supplements just to re-create all the ingredients in one bag.

90-DAY PREMIUM CLUB MEMBERSHIP to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand!

Get unlimited access to Beachbody on Demand, a one-stop shop for all your digital workouts with something for everyone:

  • Start streaming now! Instantly commit to your Challenge by choosing the program that's right for you from our massive Member Library, like P90X, INSANITY, 10-Minute Trainer, TurboFire®, and Brazil Butt Lift®.
  • Work out anytime, anywhere—whether you're traveling for work, on vacation, or would rather do your workout at a gym, now you can access Beachbody's proven programs from anywhere with an Internet connection.
  • More than just streaming…Beachbody on Demand is the total package. Get step-by-step program guides, workout calendars, and nutrition plans—all online!
  • Never run out of options with new workouts added every month!

PLUS, Get All the Support You Need to Complete Your Challenge

No matter which workout program you choose, you'll reach your goals faster with the 24/7 tools and support available to you as a member of the Team Beachbody Club, including:
  • 10% discount on all Beachbody purchases
  • Your own personal Coach (me!) to lean on and help you stay on track
  • VIP access to live monthly chats with Tony Horton, Shaun T, Autumn Calabrese, Chalene Johnson, and more of your favorite trainers
  • Expert advice from the pros, exclusive videos, nutrition tips, and delicious recipes
  • Meal plans personalized for your goals and designed to maximize results
  • Message Boards and chat rooms to help you find new friends and workout partners, and get advice and support from the entire community

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We're so sure you'll love this Challenge Pack, we're giving you our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, simply call Customer Service to return it within 30 days for a refund of the purchase price (less any s&h).

Are you ready to get started?

One of the things I love most about the 3 Day Refresh is that you can get it as a stand alone product, or bundle it in a challenge pack (where you get a fitness program, Shakeology, 30 days FREE of the Beachbody Club Membership, AND the 3 Day Refresh) for INCREDIBLE SAVINGS! Imagine kick starting programs like: 
21 Day Fix
21 Day Fix Extreme
Insanity Max:30
PiYo, or 

You can't go wrong.  Are you ready to Refresh your body?  Sign up through me and get the support you need the entire way!

3-Day Refresh FAQ's

How much weight will I lose on the 3 Day Refresh?

You can lose 1 to 7 lbs.

Can I eat while on the 3-Day Refresh? 

Yes! You will get 3 shakes, 1 fiber drink, 6 healthy snacks and 1 dinner recipe each day.

What is the estimated daily calorie intake while on the 3-Day Refresh? 

The calories are approximately 900 calories per day. It’s dependent on the meals selected.

Is the 3-Day Refresh Vegetarian or Vegan? 

Yes is it! To make it Vegan, be sure to use Vegan Shakeology.

Is the 3-Day Refresh Gluten Free? 

Yes is it!  be sure to use Vegan Shakeology but there is no guarantee as its produced in a factory that produces Gluten products as well.

When is the best time to start the 3-Day Refresh? 

Choose three days that will work best for you and your schedule. You want to be able to stick with the program. Some people start on Friday so that they end on Sunday and can focus over the weekend. Others choose to do it during the week as to avoid temptations on the weekend. Choose the 3-day period that’s best for you!

Can I exercise while doing the 3-Day Refresh? 

Mild to moderate exercise is recommended during the refresh. While you may be able to do a harder program, your body is working to clean your system. So, it is recommended that you not tax it with a strenuous program.

How often can I do the 3-Day Refresh? 

You can do the program as a kick-start to a healthy lifestyle. Some also choose to do it on a monthly basis as a tune-up. Think about it, you can lose up to 3 lbs with the program. So, if you do it monthly, you could lose over 30 lbs in a year.

Is Shakeology required to do the program? 

Yes. Shakeology is used for breakfast each day. Vegan formulas are recommended but the regular whey formula can be used if necessary.

Is coffee allowed on the program? 

It is recommended that coffee not be used with the program and that you use green tea or herbal tea. However, if you do choose to drink coffee, do not add milk, sugar or other unnatural ingredients. You can add stevia.

Can you do the 3-Day Refresh while pregnant or breastfeeding? 

I would not recommend doing this program while pregnant or breastfeeding since the calories are so low.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sometimes Pain Makes you Stronger

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

Typically I'm a Insanity Max:30 kinda girl, but my workout today was Hammer Agility... And I gotta say I love this program! It's a mixture of old school and new school moves that tend to bring back so many memories of when I first learned to lift at the age of 13.

One thing is for certain - I've come a long way since then. That naieve young girl who truly believed she was invincible learned the hard way she was ENTIRELY BREAKABLE after that first spinal fusion... And admittedly I remained broken by choice for a long time... Too long really.

I remembered the pain I endured and the doctor visits that started when I was about 12 or 13.

I remembered wearing flip flops to go to college classes despite it being the middle of December and the streets being slush-filled with snow and ice, all because I couldn't bend to get a shoe on with out fiery pain shooting through the nerves in my legs.

I remembered feeling terrified when I finally conceded that I couldn't put off the surgery any longer.

I remembered waking up in a fog and just *knowing* everything went to hell.

I remembered the week spent bedridden in the hospital, hooked up to IV's and morphine.

I remembered the difficulty in just getting out of bed each morning, especially when I nearly blacked out on the first attempt.

I remembered the long road of recovery I was going to endure.

I remembered the horrific withdrawal symptoms from not only the morphine, but also the Oxycontin I was prescribed to manage my pain.

I remember making the decision to quit the meds cold turkey because trying to wean myself off them only prolonged and exacerbated the sickness, and let's be honest by that point, pain was the lesser of the two evils.

I remember wanting to die because I had enough and didn't know how much more I could take.

Might sound melodramatic, but as a 20 year old, life was NOT supposed to be spent suffering like that.

At 21 a second fusion fixed it all for good... but I still REMEMBERED... and I was ridiculously SCARED of that pain. So I thought if I lived a fragile life I'd have an easier existence...

It may have taken me years longer than it should have, but I will forever be thankful that I eventually realized just how wrong I was. By living in such a way I was merely existing - I wasn't LIVING. I didn't enjoy life the way I should have... could have. I lived in a damn bubble because I was afraid of getting hurt again.

I could be mad at myself for not learning quickly enough, but everything happens for a reason and some of the best lessons I've learned have come as a result of staying broken for too long.

Yes, I'm breakable, however, I KNOW I'm capable of putting myself back together STRONGER than before. Those cracks from the break make the foundation to build yourself up higher than you ever thought possible!

I'm capable of learning from my mistakes and figuring out a better way to do things going forward. The only thing that can hold me back... is ME.

And most importantly, I'm a better person for having made mistakes than not having made any at all.

I've learned to see the world from many perspectives.
I've learned not to judge too quickly.
Honestly, some of my most important lessons have been learned through pain - but that doesn't mean you have to endure in that pain. You can rise up and become stronger than you ever thought possible.

My health has become a priority when once I was afraid of exercising, afraid of doing anything that might damage my precious titanium that is keeping my spine in place. I'm so glad I finally made this decision because now I feel a thousand times better for it - both physically and emotionally.

I'm no longer a shell that tiptoes through life. I am ME once more and no one, not even me, will take that away ever again!

And even better, my children have regained their mother - a woman confident in herself and the things she's capable of doing - probably the best gift I could have ever given them.

I never imagined life could change so much simply by making the decision to stop standing in my own way and instead start taking better care of myself because I'm worth it.

YOU'RE worth it too! Are you ready to take that first step and commit to yourself and your health?? Don't stand in your own way like I did! Send me a message, or click here to join my next accountability group if you want help getting started.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Are you Ready for a Challenge??

Are you Ready for a Challenge? www.pinterest.com/lgerbino This article discusses what an online accountability group is, how it can benefit you, and how to join.
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Please keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their QUALITY and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you!

Have you ever spent WAY too much time trying on outfits and critiquing yourself in front of a mirror only to feel frustrated by the way your clothes fit? Are you unwilling to go shopping to get new clothes because that requires you to try on even MORE outfits and you don’t want to face the possibility that those clothes might not make you feel any better about yourself? I mean seriously… who needs that hit to their self-esteem, right??

Have you ever decided to start a new “diet” only to be sabotaged (whether intentionally or unintentionally) by those closest to you? You know… the donuts or cookies brought into the lunchroom at work? The friends who talk you into going out for that burger and fries?  Or for my absolute weakness - pizza and ice cream. The friends or family members who just don’t get what you’re trying to do and so they try to tell you what you should be doing instead? (I know… that one sounds harsh, because sometimes they really do have your best intentions at heart… but it still happens and that doesn’t make it hurt any less). You feel pestered and pressured and you just give in to them to avoid any drama because you haven’t learned how to say “NO” to others yet without feeling guilty about it.

Have you been wanting to start exercising but feel self-conscious about stepping foot inside a gym because you’re at a beginner level or you don’t know what all those machines are for? Hiring a personal trainer can get expensive, especially if you meet with them more than once a week. Not to mention your schedule is dictated by your trainer’s availability – not necessarily what works best for YOU and your time is precious because let’s face it… we all have hectic schedules, between work, family, and social events… there’s not a lot of time left over in any given day.

Have you been wanting to eat healthier, but feel overwhelmed by the entire process and aren’t sure where to start? Food labels can be confusing and stepping away from pre-packaged foods can seem both daunting and expensive, but I promise you, it’s NOT. And preparing foods from scratch?! It’s actually NOT that time consuming and there are valuable shortcuts you can take each week to save you precious time in that crazy-busy schedule of yours.

Have you started to eat healthy and incorporate exercise into your daily life only to have a bad day turn into a series of bad days… and eventually stopped all those healthy habits altogether?  And it just never seems to be the right time to get yourself back on track??

Do you go to work, come home, get dinner, get the kids to their practices and then to bed, only to spend the rest of the night vegging out on the couch because you're too tired to do anything else?

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin??

Are you afraid of failing??

Does any or ALL of those statements sound familiar to you?  If it does, then I’ve got a solution for you: 

Accountability groups… aka Challenge groups. 

What do you get with these groups?
  • Me as your Coach (you knew that was coming, right?)
  • Together we'll find the challenge pack that will work best for your personal needs.
  • Based on your desires, we'll set clear, attainable goals that can be reached by creating a new, healthy lifestyle. (Notice I said *lifestyle* NOT diet.) 
  • Exclusive access to a private online group filled with like-minded people who are also on a mission to take back control of their lives.
  • We create and implement meal plans to keep us on track, even when life gets crazy.  
  • We add fun into the mix with recipe exchanges and friendly competitions (and yes, there are prizes for the winners!).  
These groups not only provide the answers to all the questions above, but they also provide another main ingredient for success: SUPPORT… a second family for you to lean on when life gets tough. 

So how about it??  Are you ready to try something new? Can you commit for 28 days to step out of your comfort zone in order to take control of your health and fitness? 

I promise you it’s worth it… it WILL change your life!  And as your Coach, I will be here with you every step of your fitness journey. I will help motivate and encourage you to become the best version of you possible!

Click here to make me your coach so we can get started on your journey!

Click here to apply for my next accountability group!

Have questions?  See the FAQ below or send me a message for more information.


What exactly does a challenge group involve?

A challenge group is held in a private online accountability group where participants follow a healthy nutrition and exercise plan based on Beachbody programs (such as 21 Day Fix, PiYo, P90X, Insanity, etc) and the use of Shakeology. During the challenge we learn how to meal plan as well as share healthy recipes because healthy food doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive! 

Each morning I start our day with an informative and/or inspirational post or video. Most of the posts I do involve interaction from all the participants, so you must be ready and willing to interact with everyone in the group. If you don’t interact with us, we begin to lose an integral part of our success – support! The more you interact the greater your results will most likely be.

We also hold a friendly competition to help keep everyone motivated while having fun. But more importantly, it's a great way to start or continue your health and fitness journey and work towards your goals. Almost every single one of my challengers has commented that they wouldn’t have been able to stick to their new, healthy lifestyle if it hadn’t been for the support and encouragement of the other group members.

So remember:

Support (from me & the group) + Accountability + Nutrition + Exercise = RESULTS

How long does the challenge group last?

My groups last 21-28 days. The first week is what we call a "Prep" week where we learn the basics. This week is filled with lots of informational posts as I encourage my challengers to ease into meal planning and daily exercise. Remember, small daily changes that are consistently applied add up in the long run! 

During the remaining 2-3 weeks the daily requirements of exercise and following a strict meal plan begin and we also start the friendly competition portion of our challenge. My posts will now vary from informational to motivation and support, to just plain FUN. This is the time when you will begin to notice all kinds of amazing changes in yourself!

What sort of results can I expect?

Individual results will vary based on personal goals and effort. Some may wish to just tone and feel better overall. Many participants want to lose weight. It's not uncommon for my challenge group participants to lose 10-13 pounds as well as several inches during the 28 days.  

Let me know if you'd like to see some of my participants' before and after photos! 

Remember, if you don't get the results you worked for, Beachbody has a 100% money back guarantee! 

What if I want to lose more than 10 pounds or have goals that will need more than 28 days?

The challenge group should give you the tools to succeed on your own after the group is complete.  However, you can certainly participate in another challenge group if you'd like. Many of my participants actually love their experience and results so much they continue the program. The choice is totally up to you!

Sounds Great! What do I need to do to get started?

You need to be committed and willing to put in effort to get the results you desire.

To participate, in the group you will need:
  • Beachbody fitness program of your choice, or you can sign up for Beachbody On Demand (I can help you decide what will work best for your personal needs and preferences)
  • Shakeology in the flavor (or flavors) of your choice

What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a superfood meal replacement shake that is a vital part of the program. It contains adaptogens, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics, and vitamins which help aid in immune support, improve digestion, curb cravings, and build lean muscles. Shakeology also has a good blend of macronutrients including protein.

It provides balanced nutrition and extra support beyond that of a mere protein shake, which helps you obtain the fitness results you want!

There are a variety flavors to choose from: Chocolate, Strawberry, Greenberry, Vanilla, and Cafe Latte.  If you'd prefer a Vegan options are also available in Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Cafe Latte.  My absolute favorite is the Vegan Chocolate.

Personally, this was the absolute game-changer when it came to fixing my nutrition.  Click here to read an article I wrote previously about Shakeology.

If you want to give the flavors a try before purchasing a month's supply, you can certainly go ahead and try one of the Shakeology Sampler Packs.  

Click here to get the sampler pack for the regular flavors.

Click here to get the sampler pack for the vegan flavors.

How do I choose a fitness program and what programs do I have to choose from?

Knowing your overall goal will be the first step in choosing the program that’s a perfect fit for you. For example, do you want to tone? Lose a lot of weight? Increase muscle mass? 

You personal fitness level, type of workout preferences, and how much time you are willing to commit to daily exercise will also need to be taken into consideration.

As always, you can message me to discuss which program will work best for you!

I picked a program and my Shakeology - how much does this all cost?

The BEST deal to get Shakeology with a Beachbody program is to purchase a "Challenge Pack". This gives you a bundle deal where you will save money vs. purchasing Shakeology and the fitness program separately. The cost of challenge packs range from $140 - $200+ depending on which program you choose.

Is there anything else that may help me improve my health or increase my results?

These are all OPTIONAL but I highly encourage you to consider trying at least one of them:

  • Shakeology Boosts - These are specially formulated to be the perfect addition to your daily dose of Shakeology.  Do you feel you need more energy, have issues with regularity (constipation), or have trouble getting your vegetables in?  Then you may want to consider trying one of the new Shakeology boosts:

  • Beachbody Performance Line - These premium supplements are for individuals who are ready to take their workouts to the next level.
    • Energize  Gives you increased energy and endurance to complete your workouts.
    • Hydrate – Keeps your body properly hydrated and fueled during intense workouts.
    • Creatine – Helps you increase muscle mass and strength.
    • Recover – A yummy-tasting chocolate protein powder to be taken post-workout to help speed muscle recovery and exercise-induced soreness.
    • Recharge – This is a night-time protein blend to be taken within an hour of going to bed to accelerate overnight muscle repair and recovery while you sleep.

  • 3 Day Refresh - This is a nice add-on to start or end your challenge. It's an intense, non-starvation cleanse where you eat fruits and vegetables along with 3 shakes a day, plus a daily fiber sweep drink. It will help you lose a few pounds and inches fast. This is also a good stand-alone option to get you back on track after you've made some poor diet choices (vacation, holidays etc.).

Since everyone has different goals and preferences there really is something available for everyone!

Ready to get started?  Click here and choose the "Join" option to make me your coach so we can get started on your journey!

Still have questions? Send me a message for more information.